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Trying to Conceive – When to See a Professional

Trying to conceive sounds like it should be a lot of fun. It’s a big step to take in your relationship and should involve a lot of fun under the covers. But in reality, many couples find themselves feeling stressed and anxious whilst trying to conceive. Some couples worry about how long it is taking, and others fear they may not fall pregnant at all.

Knowing how long the average couple takes to fall pregnant may help put your mind at ease.

If 100 couples started to try for a baby today:

  1. 20 would conceive within the first month

  2. 70 would conceive within six months

  3. 85 would conceive within a year

  4. 95 would conceive within two years

The time frames above are for couples trying to conceive naturally. As you can see, only one in five couples will conceive during the first month, and over four couples will have conceived naturally by the end of that first year. Discovering you are not pregnant can be tough. Especially if you were feeling hopeful, or had noticed a few signs or symptoms that you could potentially be pregnant. A negative pregnancy test doesn’t necessarily mean you need to call the doctor though, it could just mean you have a few more weeks, or months, of trying ahead of you.

When to see a professional?

Generally speaking, you should make an appointment to see your doctor if after a year of trying you have not fallen pregnant. If you are aged over 35 or have any issues that may impact your fertility, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, you should speak to your doctor after six months of trying to conceive.

Your doctor will be able to run tests to identify any potential issues and will be able to offer you advice about how to best maximise your chance of falling pregnant.

What can you do?

There are plenty of things you can do to increase your chance of conception. Make sure you are a healthy weight, exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Try to reduce stress, and find ways to keep TTC a positive experience. Track your fertile days, and make sure you are having the most sex at the right time of the month.

If you are concerned, make a complimentary appointment to discuss your situation. We will be able to give you some advice in regards to what investigations you may consider.

What can Natural Fertility Australia do?

If you have had investigations done and have a diagnosis we can balance your hormones naturally. Even if you haven’t had any investigations done or the diagnosis is “unexplained infertility” we can balance your hormones based on your signs and symptoms during your period and ovulation.


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